Friday, November 07, 2008


Well the worm turned and bit the sorry-assed Republicans in their stupid asses. I didn't have a horse in the Presidential race, didn't buy a ticket and watch them run with glee, no, I didn't go to the track. I went about life- you know..... living it.

I watched the election results and felt a certain respect and admiration for Presedant elect Obama. It was and is a historical event. But I have always felt and believed what he accomplished was possible for any black man or woman that set their mind to do so, I have always believed that.
MCain was not rewarded for being a thorne in the side of true conservatives(all three of them that are left in the republican party) and Sarah Palin gained valuble experience for the future.

How will President Obama govern? From the Left or from the Center- definatly not the right, is what I want to know. We have a economy that has one foot in a depression and the other on a banana peel. The Democarats are going to have to be carefull with their agenda. They are going to have to ease up on all the tax this ,tax that rhetoric. Let me put this in layman's terms- if the Democrats fuckin fiddle when they should faddle- we all are fucked.

I believe America has proven that it is big enough and strong enough to survive Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama. Case in point: the last time the Democrats had majorities and the presidency ,Jima Carter was the man- whooo.... some of us came of age during that time, it was not pretty, but America took it, moved on and prospered. That's the secret of America, that's the the little special thing that this great country is able to do that seperates it from the rest of the world. It's like Ray Charles used to sing in his version of America the Beautiful, " God done shed his grace on thee" Amen.

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