Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Time to go back to school................

Okay, let’s go over this one more time, a lot of my Liberal, oh, Progressive brothers and sisters are having problems getting it.

FREEDOM: Owning ones self and thoughts. Freedom is purchased with one type of currency and one type alone- Blood. That’s right boys and girls, blood is the only currency FREEDOM accepts. Whenever faced with a FREEDOM threatening crisis, get ready to bleed, because if you plan on maintaining your FREEDOM, you are going to have to spill blood and or have your blood spilled. The one exception is when one surrenders ones FREEDOM - example: The Patriot Act.

PEACE: a state of being that results from having attained FREEDOM.

APPEASEMENT: Natural enemy of both Freedom and PEACE, must be avoided at all cost.

THE UNITED NATIONS: Sworn enemy of FREEDOM and PEACE. Originally founded to safeguard both, but was co-opted by socialist and dictators. It’s main tool is APPEASEMENT.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The last stronghold of Freedom, located in the Western Hemisphere, shares the continent of North America with an APPEASMENT based country called Canada. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a representative republic, not a Democracy.

DEMOCRACY: A form of government that equates to Mob Fuckin’ Rule”. Abhorred by the founding fathers of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, embraced by the THE UNITED NATIONS, especially in the event they are unable to effect a socialistic society.

INALIENABLE RIGHTS: Rights all men have, God given. Not to be confused with CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. Can not be revoked nor amended.

CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS: Rights guaranteed under a constitution. Example: The right to bear arms, the right to remain silent, the right to a speedy trail of ones peers. These rights can be altered/amended.

FREE SPEECH: Exists in theory ,but in reality all speech has consequences. If an individual lives in a state of FREEDOM, said person is free to say whatever they please. This is as long as their speech does not interfere with the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of their fellow citizens. The quest to obtain FREE SPEECH, like FREEDOM, almost always results in blood letting.

Okay, that about covers it.


Blogger Ripama said...

Professor Bold As Love,

Execellent lesson. I'm going to keep it on file.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

03 20 06

Well Bold:
Once again nail on head! This is a gem:
"FREE SPEECH: Exists in theory ,but in reality all speech has consequences. If an individual lives in a state of FREEDOM, said person is free to say whatever they please. This is as long as their speech does not interfere with the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of their fellow citizens. The quest to obtain FREE SPEECH, like FREEDOM, almost always results in blood letting."

And you know what else? We are feeling each other in this area because I am doing a post on the very notion of "free speech".
Ha! Have a great day:)

6:37 AM  
Blogger DAVE BONES said...

I don't really understand this. I'd like to meet you to put it in some kind of context. I'm going to try and get over to the states this summer.

7:36 PM  

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