Friday, March 10, 2006

Pain and Harm............................

Well, it seems as though the leaders of Iran are selling wolf tickets once again. I am just about at the end of my rope with these oil rich, female oppressive, back-ass ward, haven’t contributed a damned thing to the modern world Islamic bitches.

Is there a diplomatic solution to this problem? Oh, we are hoping that the U.N. places sanctions on Iran to encourage them to give up their quest for nuclear energy/bomb capabilities. Oops, but Russia has already said it will not go along with sanctions- too many business interest with Iran I guess. So much for the U.N. angle, come to think of it, since when was the last time the U.N. was able to get anything done other than showing up after the fact and talking smack.

So, where does that leave us? I’d say we are caught between a rock and a hard place, translation- up shit creek; further translation- screwed. Is it just me, or is it kind of funny how an oil rich country is so hard up for nuclear power. I guess they are at a lost when it comes to figuring how to convert that surplus of oil into energy.

Let’s for one minute do some serious thinking. Our Intelligence agencies are now saying that Iran might already have enough nuclear material to manufacture 10 nuclear bombs. Imagine what would happen if one of those bombs found it’s way to say, Queens, New York- If you think Katrina was a huge fuck up sit back and watch this scenario play out on Fox News.

Katrina would be a playground boo boo compared to a nuke going off in New York. There would be some serious long term changes in all of our lives, not to mention the loss of life and property and the damage it would do to our economy.

I am of the mind that we are going through the motions concerning Iran. I believe we are going to outsource this job to Israel. Israel knows if Iran goes nuclear they will be the first in line to be on the receiving end of a Shahab-3 nuclear tipped missile. I also believe our government will aid Israel in the logistical aspects of a large scale raid, you know, stuff like refueling in mid- air, secret bases in Kurdish Iraq. I believe the Russians know this too, but being Russians they see no need to stop making money in the meantime because of sanctions.

How soon will all this play out? Who knows for sure, but time is getting short. I just hope while the Israelis are running around Iran destroying it’s nuclear sites, they take time out to bust a cap or two in asses of the leaders of Iran.



Blogger Ripama said...


I agree with your assessment and opinion 100%.

The shame is we have to rely on the EU, Russia and the UN to resolve this problem, and they can't do it.

Speaking of problems, we still have Haiti, Darfur and the impending drought in Kenya. Neither of these entities-the EU, Russia and the UN-are capable of handling these crises either.

There must be a case of effeteism or rampant mediocrity prevalent accross the world.

10:42 AM  

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