Monday, February 06, 2006

Religion of Peace...............

Once again the World is reminded of the fact that Islam is a religion of peace, as long as you do not make cartoon characters of the “Prophet Muhammad”, disagree with Allah’s will, do not wear your veil, forget your prayers, loose your library card, forget to get a doctor’s excuse, ect… oh, my favorite- be a infidel.

Yeah, the list of ways to run contrary to the followers of Islam grows bigger and bigger everyday. Here’s the dirty little secret- once contrary to Islamic followers, they can pop your ass, tax-free. Oh yeah, it’s in the Koran, read it myself. And guess what? They do it all the time.

I know some of you out there are saying, “Bold, watch what you say, don’t wanna wake up with a camel head in your bed”. I agree, but so far I haven’t said anything offensive, I simply listed a few rules and referenced what could happen to you if you break them. I am not by any means observing the political correct doctrine that Liberals have forced upon our society, nope - it’s a matter of survival. Since most of my fellow Americans seem to desire to be oblivious to the very nature of Islam, I am not taking any chances.

It’s a shame really. I mean my ancestors had to survive the middle passage, the bulk of the enslaved Africans died during the crossing of the Atlantic, endure the cruelties and depredations of slavery, go head to head with the KKK during the Jim Crow era, risk what little they had gained in spite of the Jim Crow era by participating in the Civil Rights movement, and yet I hesitate to voice my opinion about Islam.

Why? Because there is a Fuckin’ big-ass elephant sitting in the living room of the world and nobody wants to admit it, nobody wants to say this big-ass elephant has took a serious dump in the living room all over the brand new leather sofa. That’s why. Nope, I’m not going to be the first in my neighborhood to get burnt out because I broke the law of Sharia(Islamic Law), even though it’s not the law of this land. Judging by what’s going on in Europe, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and your location either.

Take Care, take real good care.


Blogger DAVE BONES said...

how you doin?

2:31 AM  

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