Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lame Duck my ass...............

Most Presidents find themselves in a unique position after re-election and into their second term. Most people refer to this situation Presidents find themselves in as a “Lame Duck Presidency”.

Obviously President Bush does not see himself as a lame duck president, so much so he’s turned into a crazy ass duck in my opinion.

Giving the UAE control over our ports- it’s the worst idea since we gave similar control over our infrastructure to the Chinese.

Okay, I am a Bush fan, but this idea has me thinking if George wasn’t on crack in the 80’s , he sure as hell is smoking the pipe now. It’s bad enough the Democrats are trying their best to jack America up, now Bush seems to have lost his freakin’ mind. Is there any fuckin’ relief in sight? Every politician we have in office these days seems to be hell bent on screwing up this country, democrats and republicans alike. I can’t believe we are even discussing this issue, that plus the illegal alien issue. These two issues should be a no brainier.

Okay, I am convinced the one world order, globalization bullshit is going to be a fact of life, sooner than a lot of people expected too. With every year that passes we get further and further away from the concept of a free, constitutional republic America. While some of us argue amongst ourselves, our country is being taken apart piece by port, right by writ.

Aight…… it’s time for the Bold as Love nuclear option: shift as many resources towards a 10 year plan to relocate to some out of way place. Build a self sufficient lifestyle( grow and raise own food). Prepare for the fall of western civilization and be ready to deal with the consequences. Sounds crazy, but I am starting to feel more and more crazier everyday.



Blogger Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 28 06

Bold I couldn't have said it better myself! That is why my husband has taken me to the shooting range and why we have a garden. You never know...

3:17 AM  
Blogger James Manning said...

Eventually you'll come to the same conclusion that I've come to: Bush is a spawn of the devil and is selling us out to corporate profits. This is the world that everyone is asking for - and we're getting it.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true, so true, Bold. The only conclusion that seems to make sense is, sadly, Bush is a globalist after all. In the globalist elite mindset, America must no longer be the superpower. America must fall. But to "allow" America to fall in some fashion that embarasses a sitting President? Can't be allowed to happen. So they've been chipping away at it. I've seen evidence that the wheels have been in motion since Kennedy. They're working really hard to make it look as natural as possible. 'Tis the only reason the administration would try to sneak this port deal in under the radar.

My wife has never been a Bush fan. I was personally THRILLED when we ended up with a Republican in the WH, a Republican Senate and a Republican House. Thrilled for about a day. Then I realized--and even confided to my wife--that the Repub's finally have what they've been wanting all these years, so they better capitalize on it and take America back to firm footing.

Alas--the opposite has occurred. Which only confirms a sneaking suspicion I've had (but dreaded having) for years: At the root of it all, both major parties are working toward the same goal, just using different methods.

In the words of John Prine: Blow up your TV. Throw away your paper. Move to the country. Build you a home.

I'm with you, Bold.

2:45 AM  

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