Monday, January 09, 2006

What If...................................

NORFOLK, Va. - Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has suggested that Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for "dividing God's
land." God considers this land to be his," Robertson said Thursday on his TV program "The 700 Club."
"You read the Bible and he says `This is my land,' and for any prime minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, `No, this is mine.' "

Pat Robertson has been on my “Stuck on Stupid” list for a pretty good while now. After initially being outraged at his above comments I wondered, “could Ole’ Pat be onto something”?

Let’s all just think for a moment, think outside this little politically correct box that is so popular these days, and remember some basic Biblical beliefs.

  1. God gave the land area call Israel to the Jews.

  2. God has punished leaders of said Nation in the past for forsaking his will.

  3. God has time and time again delivered unto Israel it’s enemies and land.

Ole’ Pat might have a point, especially if it’s God’s will that Israel should not cede land that he has given them, and or delivered unto them.

Once I entertained the concept of “lands God delivered unto Israel”, a whole new set of thoughts emerged, and I started thinking about recent history.

Hm……. I have often said in the past to friends and family that I would be reluctant to wage war on Israel even if I possessed nuclear weapons and they only had bows and arrows. Why, when God has desired for them to prevail, it don’t matter what you bring to the fight, your ass is gonna loose. Recent history supports my thoughts.

You don’t have to go back to biblical times to see Israel survive and prosper when basic survival seems doubtful. During the Israeli War of Independence (1948-1949) Israel was invaded by six Arab nations- Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, plus the local Palestinian forces threw in with their Muslim brothers. They all limped back home, and to this day can’t figure out what went wrong. If you read the military history behind this war you will see most military experts thought due to the imbalance in ordnance, along with the entry into the fight of the regular, relatively well-equipped and trained forces of the armies from the neighboring Arab states, the new State of Israel would be defeated within two weeks, but it didn’t happen.

During the Six day war (1967) Israel jacked up the military forces of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, and took large amounts of land from each. (This is important, the lands Sharon is instrumental in giving back, The Gaza Strip, which was occupied by Egypt up until the Six day war, was taken at this time, or delivered unto Israel as some Jews believe.) Oh, a little footnote in history- Iraq also participated.

Let’s look at the Yom Kippur (Ramadan) war (1973), a surprise attack carried out on Yom Kippur(Ramadan) by guess who…. Yeah, the usual suspects- Egypt, Syria, plus a little help from Iraq. Once again this combo failed to defeat Israel.

Can you see a trend developing concerning Arab countries attacking Israel with armies- I thought you did. Hell that’s why these countries encourage the Palestinians to wage terrorism upon Israel, they know militarily alone or together, they can not defeat Israel.

Here we go, the slippery slope that so many of us slip and bust our asses on- Believing that God plays an active role in everyday affairs- I believe God does, but it’s not Kosher these days to think so in mixed company, mixed company being liberals. As a matter of fact, thanks to the heavy handedness of the religious fundamentalists (the Religious Right, as called by Liberals), most of us back peddle away from such comments in public. For arguments sake, if God did desire Israel to keep the lands Sharon was giving back- hey, we have a problem. The Bible is filled with leaders of Israel going off plan with God- the results were disastrous, for the leaders and Israel. This brings us back to Ole Pat and the statements he made, he might just be right, especially if God is not pleased with the giving back of land.



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