Friday, December 09, 2005

Under Pressure.................

CDC: Older Baby Boomers Plagued by High Blood Pressure and Obesity

Half of Americans aged 55-64 have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, according to a new annual report on health in the United States issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC).
The report concludes that 40 precent of people in that age bracket are obese.
The report features an in-depth look at the 55-64 age group, which includes the oldest of the baby boomers. In 2011, the oldest of the boomers will be eligible for Medicare, and by 2014, the ranks of Americans ages 55-64 will swell to 40 million, up from 29 million in 2004.

When I read this article I was fuming- Just Got Dayum, not only will the older baby Boomers be the last generation that will truly be able to receive social security, half of them are out of shape and sickly- Do you see the prescription drug nightmare that I see coming?

Look folks, I have caught a lot of flack saying high blood pressure and obesity are lifestyle choice diseases, I include HIV contracted here in America in that category also. What bothers me about this article is there are companion articles whining about blacks having these problems in disproportionate numbers- Its racists medical practices that are to blame the activists claim. What’s up these days, everybody’s a freakin’ activist, neighborhood activists, community activists, environmental activist, homosexual activists-ect…. ect….. ect….. Anyway, I am very disappointed with the older baby boomers, and the so called activists that make excuses for them. How many times have you known or heard of a person that has high blood pressure or obesity issues and will not change his or hers diet, won’t exercise, won’t limit their alcohol intake, you know, doing all the shit they are not supposed to do with their condition. I have heard every excuse in the book for this behavior. Guess what, it’s never the person that is neglecting their health that has any responsibility.

Here in the South, we have become a bunch of lazy, inactive people, so much so it’s pathetic. I play on a men’s and women’s softball team in the spring and fall, do you know how difficult it is to get some sista’s to play softball- can’t mess that hair up sweating. Most of the men on the team range in age from 30 -47, but we have to recruit younger women in their mid to late twenties to have enough women to qualify for the league. It seems black women in their 30’s and 40’s are very reluctant to sweat. A quick visit to the nearby park and you will see some very overweight women walking on the walking trails, God bless them, but never have I seen an over weight man, its not like they don’t exist. For you brothers visiting from out of town- know this, here in Georgia, if a woman claims she is thick, a lot of times it’s just a nice way of saying she needs to drop 40 pounds.

I am 43 years old. I could stand to drop 10-15 pounds, but I am very conscious of my health. I can still do and enjoy the things I did when I was 23, and my health, thank God, is the same. Oh, it’s harder with every passing year to make these claims, and I know the older I get the more I’m going to have to do to make these claims- but I’ll do what I need to do for this reason; My father suffers from high blood pressure and gout, it is one of the most frustrating things I have ever done watching him break all the rules concerning his diet and exercise. He is one of the boomers that the CDC is talking about and it doesn’t make sense for him to be this way with the resources he has access to, but he is. Yeah, it’s frustrating knowing that my 96 year old Grandfather doesn’t take the meds my Father takes on a daily basis. My grandfather takes vitamins and a placebo his doctor prescribes because he swears something is wrong with him-lol- I’m gonna be like my Grandfather if I have anything to do with it.

Let’s back up and look at this problem. The older baby boomers according to the CDC are jacked up, the kids are jacked up, and I see every day those in between are jacked up. I realize people come in all shape and sizes. I really do not find a bony woman attractive, I like some meat on a woman’s bones. But there is a big difference in having meat on ones bones and being unhealthy- people get out there and get some exercise, have some fun in the process and enjoy your older years. Medication free.



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