Monday, November 14, 2005

Murderous NeoCons.............................

Peaceonthat was one of the first people I became aware of to express anger at President George Bush’s speech on Veterans Day. He was the first of quite a few people I know that, putting it mildly, despised the fuck out of W's speech. I immediately back-tracked and re-read the speech. It was a pretty good speech considering Bush is not a charismatic speaker, Okay, Bush has very limited speaking skills, but that’s nothing new. There was one single thing that all the people I know that hated the speech had in common, their displeasure of Bush finally addressing all the bullshit that the Democrats have laid at his feet concerning the reasoning we went to war. There is not one inaccurate statement that President Bush said in his speech, not one. It is my opinion President Bush did not re-write history in his speech . See excerpt of speech below.

"While it is perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began. Some Democrats and anti-war critics are now claiming we manipulated the intelligence and misled the American people about why we went to war. These critics are fully aware that a bipartisan Senate investigation found no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community's judgments related to Iraq's weapons programs. They also know that intelligence agencies from around the world agreed with our assessment of Saddam Hussein.
They know the United Nations passed more than a dozen resolutions citing his development and possession of weapons of mass destruction. Many of these critics supported my opponent during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat, and a grave threat, to our security.' That's why more than 100 Democrats in the House and the Senate, who had access to the same intelligence voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power.
"The stakes in the global War on Terror are too high, and the national interest is too important, for politicians to throw out false charges. These baseless attacks send the wrong signal to our troops and to an enemy that is questioning America's will. As our troops fight a ruthless enemy determined to destroy our way of life, they deserve to know that their elected leaders who send them to war continue to stand behind them. Our troops deserve to know that this support will remain firm when the going gets tough. And our troops deserve to know that whatever our differences in Washington, our will is strong, our Nation is united, and we will settle for nothing less than victory."

The problem is too many people have been fed the same lie over and over by Democrat talking heads- the same talking heads that supported going to war in the first place. See, these politicians saw the intelligence and knew that Saddam was up to no damned good, yet they also knew they could play both sides of the fence on the issue- Kerry, Kennedy, Hillary, they all gave the go ahead knowing full well if at any given time things did not turn up like the reports indicated they could make serious political hay. They understood that they were in a win-win situation, if all the intelligence turned out accurate, they where on the right side, if it didn’t, hell, they could claim they were lied to. They also understood that at any given time if the war went badly they could call for pulling out our troops.

I think most peoples objection to going to war is basically because of the “ the pre-emptive strike concept”. This is a policy that many people can not get with, I myself am all for it, I guess that makes me a’ Murdering Neocon’, so be it. I simply refuse to allow anyone a first strike, hit me first, opportunity against America. The stakes are too high these days considering dirty bombs and designer viruses and germs that are available to anyone with the will and cash. The old paradigm is obsolete, and just because a Muslim terrorist lives in a cave and shuns the conveniences of this technology filled world we live in, it does not mean he is ignorant of its uses.

I also don’t care about these so-called coalitions, all the real heavy lifting America has done in the past concerning freeing up whole continents from tyranny was without coalitions. If the truth is to be said you could put together the world’s largest coalition and America would still have the same responsibilities as usual- Supply the cash and arms, plus do the fighting. We are the world’s only super power, that big ass army in China is a accident waiting to happen, China has serious trouble feeding itself , that and many more problems that would limit their ability to project a war effort across the world and sustain it. Yes, they can launch missiles and demonstrated with their new space program that no place in the world is safe from their nukes, but defeating a nation that can shoot back, like us, requires more than nuclear muscle. If not they would have kicked it of already.

Peaceonthat and others have indicated that we NeoCons have not supported our troops- There is a axiom that says, “you go to war with the army you have at the time” I submit that is what we did and there is a ongoing effort to better equip our troops as time goes on. What I find amazing is it is a known documented fact that there is one party in America that has consistently withheld funding from the military and at times this seriously undermined their missions. You can’t spend your whole political career denying the military and then turn around and criticize someone else when you find out that some units lack armored Humvees- shit the money just wasn’t there to equip all the units with amoured Humvees. The military should not be given a blank check, but it should not have to scuffle for funding like it did during the Clinton years. As far as benefits for soldiers and Vets are concerned, Democrats have long known that it’s a demographic that you can screw and they can’t do much about it. When Republicans by and large cut soldiers benefits it’s a serious budget crunch with hard choices to be made, but when they can they try to increase funding-sort of like a payback.

As far as over-extending our National Guard, this sound bite originated during the Katrina disaster, and no amount of National Guardsmen available could have mitigated the fuck up on the local and state levels. Let’s supposed you had 8,000 helicopters on hand within hours of the levees breeching- the limited airspace in New Orleans, and the slow, meticulously dangerous nature of the rescues would have kept 7,500 of them grounded. Couple this logistical issue with the Governor of Louisiana’s refusal to relinquish control, which resulted in not having a centralized command structure, the ineptitude of Fema, and you have what we saw any damned way.

Let’s deal with back-door drafts and prisoner torture. There is no such thing as a back-door draft. Extending a soldiers tour and or enlistment is nothing new. It even happens during peace time. I’ve personally known fellow soldiers that were in fields that were dangerously under strength and had their enlistments extended a year- yes, they were pissed, but most soldiers, that is the ones that actually read their contracts(yes you sign a contract when you enlist) are aware of this possibility. I was sent to Central America in the early eighties for a six month hardship tour that ended up getting extended to a year. The ultimate extension happens during a huge global conflict like WWll, it’s simply stated as” for the duration”, which meant to the GI’s of that time “until this bitch is over”

Prisoner torture is not a United States of America Military sanctioned action- it occurs when soldiers start making their own rules. Every soldier gets it drilled into their head to follow orders during basic training, or Officers candidate school, the Academies deal with this also. Following orders is essential in the Military, but one of the first things you learn is you are not obligated to follow an order that you know to be unlawful, the excuse of following orders doesn’t work. My problem with the prisoner torture, and we are talking about Abu Garib, it was treated as a Bush administration problem. No, these things happen under a weak or incompetent Commander in the field, sometimes just a plain evil Commander. It must not be tolerated and the guilty have to be punished. There is one effective thing you can do to eliminate prisoner torture, hold the Commanders responsible primarily. Never have I seen a President held responsible for acts of torture that soldiers in the field commit. Like most Democrat accusations this one is a hell of a stretch.

There is something that is truly depressing that is happing more and more these days- Black people calling Black people of different political beliefs Uncle Toms. This shit needs to stop. First of all it makes light of all the accomplishments made by Condi Rice and Colin Powell, you would be hard pressed to find anyone that is a member of the Black Caucus that has achieved as much, gone as far, and been as influential as these two individuals. At one time two of the most powerful people in the world at the same fucking time were Condi and Colin. Bill Clinton never dream of giving that much power to anyone of color, unless you consider that shit He tossed to Ron Brown real power, and it got him killed. Make no mistake, these two individuals did and do their own thinking, Colin went against his boss on several occasions.

Most people believe Colin Powel left the administration because of the intelligence he was given, but most insiders in the beltway say Colin left because his previous and ongoing relationships with several Saudi Princes would be a serious liability for the Bush administration in the long run. The Media left knew and hinted at it on several occasions, and much like the Democrat Senators they knew they had a win-win situation, if Colin stayed on they were going to crucify his ass, if he left then they were going to hype it up as division between him and Bush. He left. You will more than likely not see Colin Powell in politics again, at least not on the level he was once involved in, Colin and his Family made a lot of sacrifices during his long Military career and I don’t think he wants to subject his Family to what passes as politics these days. I can understand.

As far as the Valerie Plame CIA leak goes, Hell, Her husband blew her cover long before this shit grew legs, introducing her at parties as His wife" the spy". Scooter is indicted for lying, not blowing someone’s cover. The special Investigator has His hands full now that more and more people are coming out saying that it was widely known in Washington circles that Valerie worked for the CIA. The same people he had the opportunity to talk to, but elected not to, before he filed charges. It’s just more political hay being made by the Democrats- they are good at making hay where no straw grows, or so they think. All the accusations they make get headlines and then die, why, bullshit doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Anyone can make accusations, but when it’s time to prove them and you can’t, it all collapses. Democrats count on a forgetful, ignorant America, one that doesn’t research the issues. For a long while they had a monopoly of info, the left leaning Media. The rise of Talk radio and the internet has undermined their ability to blow smoke up America’s collective asses, and they can’t stand not being able to do so.

When we invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein our mission there took on a new role, its similar to your doctor peforming surgery on you to remove a tumor, and while inside of you he finds additional tumors-does he remove the one he was aware of and close you up- nope he gets all of them. Besides you don’t de-stabilize an area and walk away, not unless it is your plan to create chaos. It is My and many others opinion that this war on terror is the most important thing we will do in the next twenty years. These terrorist bastards can inflict much damage upon America up to and including destroying our economy, they planned to do just that, long before we ever dreamed of invading Iraq, as a matter of fact 911 was the kick off of that goal, they just didn’t count on President Bush bringing the war to them .They under estimated George W. Bush, just like the Democrats do on a regular basis. I believe when the history of these times is written, it will show that we Neocons were right. In the meantime those of us that do not agree, we will duke it out at the voting booths.



Blogger James Manning said...

Nice comeback. However, I disagree with you on several points.

1) I've always been a strong supporter of the military as I served and participated in the Gulf War. So, the statement about going to war with the army you have is correct, when you must go to war. The war in Iraq was an elective war. Saddam did not present a clear and present danger at the time we went to war although the Bush Administration tried to sell us on the fact that he was. No one argued when we went into Afghanistan. But if you are going to make a case for striking first, then you have to look at the realities. North Korea and Iran represents now and then, a much greater threat to American security. China is revving up its military capabilities and will pose a threat to us economically as well. Is that a case for war? By the Bush doctrine it is, so isn't he acting neglectful by not attacking Iran? A country that has made threats to Israel recently.

2) To say Powell ties to Saudi Arabia presents a conflict of interest is laughable. President Bush received money from the Bin Laden family to start his own company. Donald Rumsfeld met with Saddam and sold weapons to him. Whatever connections Powell had pales in comparison.

3) I will admit that my use of Tom and Murderous Republicana Reich is a bit... over the top. I in no way suggest that by being a member of the Republican Party is what made Powell and Condi Toms. However, their lack of objectivity is what sickens me. Powell did try to play a contrarians role but there were too many hawks in the Administration. But in the end, he gave that speech to the UN. One he didn't fully believe in and then later commented that he regretted it. Had he been a real man, he wouldn't have made the speech.

4) I think history will show that the Iraq war was the debacle of a lifetime. I agree, the war on terror is important but I do not believe Iraq should have been made a part of that equation.

The biggest problem that we have is that we have made this war about George Bush. A man that will be gone in three years. What then? The next President is not going to do things the same way. Will you then adjust your viewpoint to fit that President? I maintain that we approach this was based on American principles and leave it at that. President Bushed made too many mistakes and it will take a generation to make up for them.

2:05 PM  
Blogger bold as love said...

Peace on That,
I respect your opinions, Got so caught up in this line of discussion I forgot to give you kudos for your spoken word-drug love. Whew... it was dark, real, filled with the rhythm of the struggle to live and die, longing to do both but seeing no way do do either-- Put some low smooth jazz behind that, you got skills.


11:13 PM  
Blogger Ripama said...

I just discovered your site and have to print out your post to read it.

Good luck.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great comments, great insights. I appreciated reading this thread. My wife, who leans slightly to the political left, and I, who tends slightly to the right, agreed on one thing before the U.S. entered Iraq: "We're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't."

What is now most frustrating to both of us is all the propaganda being sold us by the mainstream media. Propaganda, is it said, is about what gets left out. All--and I mean ALL--of my military contacts tell me that ONLY the negative is being reported out of Iraq. Short-term memory Americans, concerned only about their sports and their shopping, sponge up the news drippings from radio and TV, only to imagine that it's the sole truth that exists. Sad fools, most of us.

Eighteenth century German physicist Georg C. Lichtenberg said "The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted." Such is fact with our sound bites of news. It's not that they are blatant falsehoods--it's that they are real events taken out of context, and they are reporting only a fraction of the picture, at best.

By the way, thank God for you bloggers who bypass the screened and "approved" mainstream 'press' (a.k.a. propaganda machines). There has never been any aspect of "free press" (as guaranteed in our Constitution) more true than blogging. I love the fact that it pisses off those who desire to control us.

2:28 AM  

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