Thursday, November 17, 2005

ALL ABOARD.......................

“Please don't miss this train at the station
Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you “ Love Train- The O’jays”

Yep, as I have said before,” the Underground Railroad is alive and well”. Mr. Derek Wallace, head of the Orlando chapter Of the NAACP, has caught the train and run off the Democrat plantation. Mr. Wallace, a construction company executive, said His business life was a big factor in his decision. Hm…. A Republican NAACP chapter, I suspect all the heating and air men and women that ended up in Hell are trying their damnedest to re-light the pilot light. Check the article out-,0,2971218.column?coll=orl-news-col

Train rides require a ticket. In the 1700’s and 1800’s, tickets were distributed by word of mouth, slave to slave. Conductors risked life and livelihood ensuring that passengers riding the train had somewhere safe to stop, somewhere they could rest and gather their wits- riding on the Underground railroad was serious business back then.

These days tickets to ride on the Underground Railroad come in many forms. Some people, unable to support the liberal agenda concerning the killing of unborn children, use the abortion ticket. Some people, dismayed at the amount of money that is taken from their earnings, use the Tax ticket. I suspect being a business man Mr. Wallace redeemed one of these tickets. Some people, having spent the better part of the last 30 years hearing the same ole’ tired Liberal excuses, use the, “just dayum” ticket. Yes, there is a ticket for just about every need.

In spite of the availability of tickets, it’s still dangerous to redeem one. Mr. Wallace is going to find out in the coming weeks that a Republican chapter of the NAACP is one chapter too many. Already Democrat Leader Tom Shea questioned Mr. Wallace’s decision saying, "I'm a little confused. Are we talking about the National Association for the Advancement of Construction Professionals -- or Colored People?" I’ll admit, Tom got off a good one, but jokes aside, Tom and other Democratic Leaders can’t afford for Mr. Wallace to succeed. They know that if Mr. Wallace is successful, there can be four or five Republican NAACP chapters by this time next year.

Just like Ol’ Massa, the Democrats have to keep their chattel ignorant, isolated, and afraid to leave the plantation, afraid to loose what little they have. They understand, like Ol’ Massa did, that once the word gets out that the Train is running, all hell will break loose. And like Ol’ Massa, they are going to do all they can to stop it.



Blogger Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

11 17 05

Whoa! You are harsh! Sounds like a title of the Star Jones book, but you are a way better writer! I really enjoyed the underground railroad and ticket analogies; I haven't seen that before and you are unique:) Good post btw. I think the dems are showing their stripes; the baby killing communazis have taken over their party and they've naught a leg to stand on! Then again, there are too many statists and protectionists in the GOP and GWB is spending too much money. Where are the fiscal conservatives when we need them? OH yeah, did you know that finally California's budget is turning around....hmmm we might be onto something here! Have a nice day:)

1:26 AM  

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