
"You are a fascinating conservative- and you still haven't told us how it happened, and I Tagged you ages ago to tell us the story.How did you become a Black Conservative? How can you relate conservatism to Hendrix?" ---Dave Bones
Dave Bones asked a question that needs to be answered. Around about 1981 I was dissatisfied with the answers that the party of my family was giving me. Being a student of history, I began to realize that the Democrats where not the party that they use to be. They were going farther and farther to the left. I also did my own research and came to the conclusion that the break up of the black family was a direct result of their welfare policies. It’s a simple fact that when you reward a certain kind of behavior you get more of it. If you take the time and look at the data you will notice that the black family was intact and thriving until the early seventies- hmmm… you will also notice it was during that time welfare started to have a big impact. I came of age during a time that black males in America in ever increasing numbers did not have to support the children they produced. This was disastrous and the Democrats never took responsibility for it, as a matter of fact they demanded even more welfare. Then the kicker came- taxes. I started to make some real money, guess what- I didn’t like they way they were raping my check. When Reagan passed his tax cuts I saw an immediate effect, did some research and found out that JFK also believed that lower taxes produced more tax revenue. So why did the Democrats abandon an ideal that one of their better presidents believed in? I couldn’t get an honest answer, but it didn’t matter, I was prepared to vote for Reagan to be re-elected.
After a few years passed I came to realize that the Republicans/conservatives were way off base on some issues. Some very important issues. So much so that I couldn’t vote for just any Republican/conservative candidate- I became a Libertarian.
I believe in freedom. That includes the freedom to screw your own life up, as long as you don’t ask your fellow freeman to fix it, like so many people are doing, or infringe on somebody’s else’s rights. . Although I share a lot of views with conservatives, the conservative label just does not cut it- I don’t see eye to eye on some views with conservatives.
Some conservative viewpoints are silly as hell- example: Issues concerning drugs are a serious problem for conservatives- History has shown that drug use among a population will happen. It is when you criminalize it that you get a whole host of issues instead of just the one. The Mob was built because of criminalizing alcohol. Yes I believe most drugs should be de-criminalize even though I don’t use them-it’s freedom. Decriminalize drugs, tax them but keep them ultra cheap and you have eliminated 80% of the crime in America. A crack head that only has to raise $25.00 a week for his habit will not be a crime problem, and the taxes collected will be used to make their last days, after he or she has blown all the circuits in their brain, comfortable. The rules would still be the same, if you want a job that requires drug testing you have to be able to pass it. Just think about it, are we stopping drug use, hell no, and we won’t stop it.
I voted for George W. Bush for one reason, Taxes- After 911 the war on terror was cause to vote for him again. The democrats aren’t willing to fight it. I know some of you out there are in denial on this war on terror, but take a minute and do some research. Don’t let Michel Moore blind you to the reality—there is a global jihad and it will not stop until we either destroy their ability to wage it, or the jihadists institute Sharia’. Do I like the spending that “W” is doing, nope seems like there is a Democrat in office in that respect.
As far as relating to Jimi Hendrix- hell everybody should relate to Jimi. He was a left handed motherfuckin’ genius. Jimi’s music will travel to the stars with Humanity, that’s if we don’t destroy ourselves.
I just couldn't vote for Bush. I think he made a mess of Iraq. And trying to win the war on terror is like trying to win the war on drugs... and we see where that has gotten us.
I will agree that the Dems are full of it - but I'd rather stay on this side of the fence than to jump over to likes of Tom Delay and George Bush
Stevie Ray-- Oh, yes , his version of little wing is my driving music. He gave jimi the ultimate compliment- made little wing his music, much like Jimi did all along the watch tower by Dylan- speaking of Dylan, i hear alot of hip hop artists call themselves poets- and some may be, but dylan was and is the greatest modern poet.
Thanks Bold as Love and R+B. its great getting to know both you conservatives a little more. I couldn't really pin down what i thought about Mrs. Sparkle's latest post, its uncanny now reading yours.
The first couple of paragraphs are almost identical. She is white, u is black.
Thanks again. Totally with you on the Hendrix front. R+B- Stevie Ray who???
everyone else can put the thing back in its case.
Totally in denial about the "War on Terror" Tiny, tiny problem WAY blown out of proportion for very suspect reasons.
I'm in no way saying that 9/11 wasn't a catastrophe. A huge one. I can see that it has affected your view of the world a lot. It was a hug image on American and worldwide conciousness.
still only 19 people though.
Al Q'aida look A LOT smaller than the IRA, and no one is making any effort to find them or stop them.
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