Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thank you Mrs. Parks.........

February 4, 1913 - October 24, 2005

I am thinking what more can I say about this courageous woman that hasn’t already be said? Very little, but I can thank her for making a stand. Yes, Rosa Parks made a stand at a time in America when to do so was a death sentence in the South. Mrs. Parks was the point man of the Civil Rights Movement.

For those without knowledge of military terms a point man is the person that walks ahead of the main column of troops while on patrol. The job of a point man is to alert the column to danger ahead and in a lot of cases it’s the point man being shot and or killed that provides the alarm. It’s a lonely, dangerous job that very few willingly do. When Mrs. Parks sat down in that seat at the front of the bus, she was virtually stepping out on a battlefield alone, way out in front of the troops, troops that had yet to be assembled.

Thank you Rosa Parks, thank you for making a stand. America is a far better place for your efforts.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice commentary.

5:02 PM  

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