Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Blazing Saddles.....

There are times when the world gets to be a little too much for me. You know, every direction you turn the infamous Twin Bitches, pandemonium and mayhem, are plying their trade—I had my fill of it all today so I did what I usually do, watch a movie DVD. One of my all time favorite movies,” Blazing Saddles”, was selected to ease my mind. I simply never tire of watching this movie and some months I can view it up to three times.

In the middle of the movie, and laughing my ass off, a thought occurred to me. ”Could this movie be made today”? Oh hell no. First of all, could you get as much talent to do the movie? The cast of Blazing Saddles reads like an All Star acting team. Second, you have Slim Pickens and Burton Gilliam dropping the “N” word like it’s hot, but it works and I suspect it does because Richard Pryor had a hand in the screen play. Thirdly and most important of all, I’m pretty damned sure some animals were harmed during the filming. Yeah, PETA would put the kybosh on this movie for sure.

Blazing Saddles is what I call an equal opportunity, fuck with everybody, type of movie. Mel Brooks didn’t miss a group or institution when he filmed Blazing Saddles. Too often the butt of all jokes these days seem to be white males. I know my paler brothers can be pretty funny, but what we are getting these days mostly is boring and lacking in creativity.

If we tried to make Blazing Saddles today the usual suspects would step forward. Jessie “I have a scheme” Jackson would be on all of the news channels threatening lawsuits, unless a substantial contribution be made to the Rainbow Coalition, via certified check. Rev. Al, “Mr. Process”, Sharpton would be in the streets preaching racial Armageddon, inciting the feeble minded amongst us. The Black Caucus would demand some form of Government intervention on the basis that somewhere some poor black child’s self esteem would be in jeopardy. Just Dayum. Blazing Saddles made today would set off one of the biggest boycotts seen since the Montgomery Bus boycott.

Blazing Saddles is one hell of a movie and it’s a shame all the agenda driven bullshit of today would make it damned near impossible to make. To Quote Slim Pickens,”I am depressed.” Again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are way off base. This is one of my favorite movies, and it could be remade today with the right talent. The real problem is that it would be shameful to remake this because it obviously would not be as funny. There is a huge difference between "racism" that is meant to teach something and that which is meant to be demeaning. This movie highlighted attitudes about race. It's a Mel Brooks movie, and he always makes references to racism, sexism, and anti semitism. You are too busy trying to demonize anything that is liberal and are missing the point. Yes, Sharpton, and Jesse are blowhards, but they always bring attention to things that should not be swept under rug. I am just as tired as anyone else of hearing their mouths. But they are out there. The other option is someone like Condi Rice who looks as uncomfortable in a black chuch as a white person, and only speaks of racial issues only when she is prompted.

Seriously, the only thing preventing a remake of something like Blazing Saddles is an obvious lack of talent, not racial attitudes.

11:36 AM  
Blogger bold as love said...

Your comments are noted- I disagree with you especially about Condi being uncomfortable in a black church. But, I put my beliefs out there and I'm man enough to take opposing views-- thanks tigerlilly for your thoughts and feel free to keep commenting on whatever I write-that goes for anyone who does not agree with my viewpoints-never know when you might change my view points.

Bold As Love

11:06 PM  

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